Magnus Healthcare Application Design

I updated the design of an Electronic Student Health Record (SHR) application for improved information architecture and functionality.


Client and User Base

  • Magnus Health provides electronic student health record (SHR) software for independent schools.

  • A diverse user base includes students, parents, nurses, administrators, and others needing secure health record access.

Complex Scenarios and Microinteractions

  • Addressed unique scenarios (e.g., documenting injuries vs. illnesses) with varying levels of detail.

  • Created a step-by-step process tailored to user input.

  • Highlighted medications and allergies for easier medical history viewing.

User Insights and Design Iterations

  • Learned about user processes from internal Magnus team members.

  • Iterated through sitemaps, information architecture, wireframes, and high-fidelity designs.

  • Collaborated with a Magnus Product Manager for feedback.

Development and Communication

  • Magnus’s development team worked on the application.

  • Assisted with design-related questions via client calls and Basecamp.

  • Enhanced ability to organize and share design files remotely.

Magnus Health is a leading provider of electronic student health record (SHR) software for independent schools. Magnus came to me with the need for a mobile solution for their various user types while maintaining their high-security needs due to HIPPA policies. Their user base was made up of students, parents, nurses, hospital administrators, school administrators, and many others who needed secure access to health records. Working on this project allowed me to prove my skills when it comes to creating an information architecture that works for a large variety of users with complex contexts for each user type.

With such a data-heavy application, we had the interesting challenge of working with many microtransactions based on unique scenarios. For example, if a nurse is documenting a child’s injury vs. if a child is sick, there are different levels of detail a nurse would need to capture and a one-size-fits-all approach would not be appropriate. To make this process easier, we created a step-by-step process that changed based on the way a user (such as a nurse) would input information into a field, allowing the form to conform to each unique situation a user was in. In addition to simplifying the input process, we also had the opportunity to make a student’s medical history easier to view on an overview page where we highlighted medications and allergies at the top.

While working through the design process, the Magnus company did not have behavioral tracking implemented so we did not have user analytics for potential insights. However, we were able to learn about the user process from internal Magnus team members who were familiar with the users’ experience. The designs went through iterations of sitemaps, information architecture designs, wireframes, and then on to high-fidelity designs. Through each step of the design process, I worked directly with a Product Manager at Magnus who shared those designs internally for additional feedback. Additional user flow diagrams were created to help with improved communications of designs within the Magnus team.

Through the development phase, Magnus had their development team working on the application. Being a 3rd party to this process, I didn’t get an opportunity to help directly with the QA process, but I did make myself available to answer questions about designs via client calls and respond to questions within Basecamp. This relationship sharpened my ability to organize and structure design files in a way that can be easily shared and understood by a remote team.


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